Începe acum cu planul de Găzduire WordPress
Website-ul tău va fi în siguranță și mult mai rapid alegând planul de Găzduire WordPress optimizat pentru viteză și siguranță.
- Spatiu stocare SSD NVME2 120 GB
- CPU alocat 4 CPU (Inte Xeon Gold)
- Trafic necontorizat
- Nelimitat conturi email
- Nelimitat conturi FTP
- 16 GB RAM
- Cpanel cu Softaculous
- Certificat SSL gratuit
- Protectie DDoS
per month
- 1 Websites
- 4GB Disk Space
- 1000GB Bandwidth
- 25 MySQL Database
- 5 FTP User
- 50 Email Account
- Unlimited Website Builder
- Unlimited Control Panel
- User Friendly Access Manager
per month
- 1 Websites
- 4GB Disk Space
- 1000GB Bandwidth
- 25 MySQL Database
- 5 FTP User
- 50 Email Account
- Unlimited Website Builder
- Unlimited Control Panel
- User Friendly Access Manager
Gazduire WordPress! Gazduire WordPress Premium!
Experimenteaza viteza si performanta maxima cu gazduirea WordPress pe servere shared echipate cu procesoare Intel Xeon Gold, Intel Xeon Platinium si AMD EPYC. Beneficiaza de memorie RAM extensibila pana la 2 TB si stocare SSD NVMe2 pentru o experienta online fara intreruperi. Siguranta este prioritatea noastra, oferind solutii avansate de protectie impotriva amenintarilor cibernetice. La noi, gazduirea WordPress devine sinonim cu eficienta si fiabilitate.

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Ce înseamnă găzduire dedicată WordPress?
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Cât trafic poate susține găzduirea dedicată?
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Ce înseamnă suportul tehnic specializat WordPress?
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Argentina Server
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Niger Server
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DRC Server
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Kazan Server
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Tura Server
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Kyrgyzstan Server
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Mongolia Server
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Canberra Server

Why can't people connect to
the web server on my PC?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
What domain name should I
choose for my site?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
How do I give my computer a
static local IP address?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
How can I make my website
work without www. in front?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
Why does Internet Information
Server want a password?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
Why does Internet Information
Server want a password?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
Am un site WordPress găzduit deja în altă parte, pot să îl migrez?
Este foarte ușor să te muți la Gabriel Webb, alege pachetul de găzduire WordPress potrivit pentru tine și comunică data și ora la care vrei să fie efectuată migrarea către serverele noastre. Atât de simplu :).