Ai nevoie de o pagină web ?
Servicii Web profesionale!
Migrarea site-ului web (100% gratuit) Alege sa lucrezi cu noi !
După ce ai găsit pachetul de gazduire potrivit care se potrivește nevoilor tale, te vom ajuta să îți transferi toate site-urile web complet gratuit. Tot ce trebuie să faci e să ne trimiți o cerere și de restul ne ocupăm noi!
Servicii de securitate cibernetică
Security Offensive Romania ofera servicii multiple ce au ca scop protejarea infrastructurii site-ului tau dar si identificarea si simularea unui potential atac cibernetic.
Cloud Backup
Cel mai probabil, cu toții am avut nevoie la un moment dat de spațiu, am simțit că suntem sufocați și că avem nevoie de un loc al nostru, unde să ne putem desfășura activitățile după bunul plac, fără reguli și conflicte.Gazduirea web se aseamănă cu acest fenomen, deoarece la fel se întâmplă și în cazul acestor servicii. Începeți cu un plan de gazduire shared/partajat care funcționează bine la început pentru site-ul dvs., însă pe măsură ce traficul crește, veți avea nevoie de mai multe resurse și spațiu pentru a nu vă deranja vecinii de pe acel server. Sau poate pur și simplu doriți mai mult control asupra site-ului dvs., iar gazduirea partajată nu vă permite acest lucru.
Fiecare pachet de găzduire web
beneficiază de următoarele facilităţi
HostCluster’sBackup profesional
Datele tale sunt în siguranţă, datorită soluţiei profesionale de backup gratuit, zilnic, pe servere de backup separate special configurate.
Imunify360 Proactive Defense™
Imunify360 este unul dintre cele mai noi solutii de securitate la nivel de server; detecteaza proactiv atacuri pe care alte solutii de scanare nu le pot identifica.
Migrare gratuită de la alt provider
Nu eşti mulţumit de actualul provider de găzduire? La Mxhost beneficiezi de uptime fără întreruperi prin transferul serviciului de la un alt provider de găzduire.
Uptime garantat contractual
Scopul nostru este să asigurăm o funcționalitate perfectă a serverelor, de aceea garantăm un Uptime contractual de până la 99.9%
De ce să optezi pentru un Certificat SSL ?
Pentru a crește încrederea și siguranța consumatorilor, deoarece 85% din cumpărătorii online evită site-urile nesigure.
Criptează si asigură plățile și datele consumatorilor tăi
Dacă dorești să oferi seriozitate, ai nevoie de un certificat SSL. Acestea sunt o soluție sigură de a proteja datele private - date cu caracter personal, parole, numere de carduri de credit – ce sunt introduse în site-ul tău. Deoarece mulți clienți refuză să viziteze site-uri nesigure, demonstrează-le că pot cumpăra cu încredere, știind că datele le sunt protejate.
Data Security
HostCluster’s flexible Managed
Backup Solutions will help simplify
the protection of your data …
Bring to the table survival strategies,
to ensure proactive domination.
Choose your domain name
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Choose your domain name now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.Business
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Find your domain name now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.We make WordPress easy
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Make WordPress now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.Find your domain name
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Find your domain name now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
Choose your domain name 3
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Choose your domain name now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.Host your website
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Find your domain name now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.We make WordPress easy
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Make WordPress now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.Find your domain name
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Find your domain name now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
Choose your domain name
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Choose your domain name now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.Host your website
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Find your domain name now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.We make WordPress easy
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Make WordPress now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.Find your domain name
Every website starts with a great domain name.
Find your domain name now
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you
a wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
DataCenter Locations
- South America (35)
- Europe (24)
- Australia/Oceania (27)
- Africa (17)
- North America (42)
- Antarctica (13)
- Asia (23)
Managed Firewall
Pachet site
39$ / per month139$ / per yearAlege pachetul- Managed Cisco ASA 5505
- Stateful inspection throughput
Up to 350 Mbps - Packets per second (64 byte)
55 000 - High Support
49$ / per month149$ / per yearCHAT NOW- Managed Cisco ASA 5512-X
- Stateful inspection throughput
Up to 1000 Mbps - Packets per second (64 byte)
350 000 - High Support
59$ / per month159$ / per yearCHAT NOW- Managed Cisco ASA 5555-X
- Stateful inspection throughput
Up to 1500 Mbps - Packets per second (64 byte)
550 000 - High Support
What Included in Pricing
Our VPS Plans
- Disk Space
- Bandwidth
- Uptime
- Hosted Domains
- Parked Domains
- Subdomains
- Backups
- cPanel Control Panel
- Dedicated IP
- Free Apps
- FTP Users
- Money Back Guarantee
- Personal Nameservers
per month
- 20 GB
- Unmetered
- 100%
- 3
- Unlimited
- 30
- Twice a Week
- Yes
- $2/month
- 100+ apps with 1-click install
- 50
- 30 days
- ---
per month
- Unmetered
- Unmetered
- 100%
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Twice a Week
- Yes
- $2/month
- 100+ apps with 1-click install
- Unlimited
- 30 days
- ---
per month
- 50 GB Pure SSD
- Unmetered
- 100%
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- 2 x Daily + Weekly Backups
- Yes
- $2/month
- 100+ apps with 1-click install
- Unlimited
- 30 days
- Yes
Eduard Smith
CEO Google Cluster
Since our collaboration, HostCluster has provided us with the best result for solving te chnical problems and optimize our Website performance. Team is supported by excellent customer service, with fast reaction time, always listening to our needs and problems. Our server issues are always resolved quickly, and they’re always available to help us. We are pleased to partner with HostCluster.
Laura Lopez
CEO Creative Cluster
We’ve been using HostCluster Communications for our Canadian server needs for more than 3 years. Technical communications are polite, informed, informative, and fast. Resolution of extremely rare issues is always fast. Find them to be pro-active rather than reactive. Our server issues are always resolved quickly, and they’re always available to help us. We are pleased to partner with HostCluster.
John Doe
CEO Cryptic
Since our collaboration, HostCluster has provided us with the best result for solving te chnical problems and optimize our Website performance. Team is supported by excellent customer service, with fast reaction time, always listening to our needs and problems. Our server issues are always resolved quickly, and they’re always available to help us. We are pleased to partner with HostCluster.
Why can't people connect to
the web server on my PC?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
What domain name should I
choose for my site?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
How do I give my computer a
static local IP address?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
How can I make my website
work without www. in front?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
Why does Internet Information
Server want a password?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
Why does Internet Information
Server want a password?
Every website starts with a great domain name.
HostCluster, as a leading domain registrar, offers you a
wide variety of domains. Register or transfer your
domain name in a snap.
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Trusted By
Alege pachetul web care se potriveste!
de la 997 €